Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Dead Calm in the Summer

Hey, performance art fans...
Yes, you haven't heard much for a month or so from your pals at Second Front. We've been working hard on some big media projects (won't spoil the surprise), live appearances by Man Michinaga and Great Escape in Toronto, and perhaps even a live performance at the Second Life community conference in Chicago!

However, getting ready for all of this leaves avvies dead tired, as you can see. GE and I are practicing for an upcoming performance we'd love to have as many people join in with us as possible across as many sims as possible, and we're practicing here in Ian's hot tub...

What you think it's sone sort of Jonestown thing? No, no, no. We don't want to simulate sims of dead people, that's no fun. We'll let you in on it soon enough.

But for the meantime, here's a shot of Man and GE having a relaxing float in the pool.

Now, if we could only get them to float face up...

Virtually yours,