This pic was taken at the beginning of the artist talk for Upgrade Paris. The official website for the streaming live video of the event is listed right on the picture itself. Hey there Parisian Upgraders,
Senegalese Ultra-Nationalists, and bribed critics!
The intro pic above gives you the impression that our artist talk at
Upgrade Paris went smoothly and on time but actually for the first part of the day, we were unsure if we had schedule at the correct time! There was alot of confusion between AM and PM and SLT (
Second Life Time/Pacific) time zones. Were we supposed to meet at 5 PM or 5AM and was it in France's local time zone or in SLT? One of the curators,
Toto Donat had troubles signing on apparenty, so we could not find her online...we figured that maybe we had already missed our talk like 12 hours ago...sigh! There was no sign of any curator nor any other speaker (including a bunch of
curators and artists from Senegal who were scheduled before us).
It was a good thing that we killed some time at
Club Neptune just in case one of the curators would sign on and tell us what was happening. Fortunately, co-curator
Karolwojtyla Sobocinski signed into
SL in the nick of time and apologized for being late.
Here is a pic of us dancing at
Club Neptune while waiting for the curator to show up...
What better way to wait for a curator and discuss future shows than to dance your ass off?Waiting for the curator(s) to arrive was a good idea because we managed to talk alot about our earlier performances and they even publically acknowledged that we are now an "established institution"! I guess it has been awhile since we formed in late 2006!
During the talk, it was slightly confusing as to exactly what was happening in Paris. There were two people in RL controlling Karol's SL avatar (Marika and Karol, one guesses) and they were also fiddling with the video camera in Paris which we could not fact, our SL audience only consisted of one avatar but that one avatar was a camera from which an indeterminate number of RL audience members were checking us out. Karol tried to keep us on topic with regards to the ways in which SL's economy influences our performance. We bribed Karol behind the scenes until he/she was content with our answer ;-) But basically, we talked about squatting abandoned corporate headquarters, delivering pizza for free, unintentionally interrupting stock market transactions, bribing critics and hiring bodyguards for disproportionate prices. No one in their right mind would actually think we were really inspired by something as banal as the economy, right? Heheheheheh...Speaking of sponsorship to stimulate the economy, it was great to see Ars Virtua's logo represented at the venue.
Wow! Look at that detailed Google Map! What is that doing on the floor? It does not look like Wall Street at all! ;-) Ok ok, actually it is a map of Beijing...The artist talk was held on the site of JC Fremont's installation, Imaging Beijing. As for the event itself, it was around this time that we were begging Karol (or perhaps Toto/Marika Dermineur if she happened to be behind the avvie) to get the audience to ask us some questions because we were running out of anything relevant to say...usually, it only takes us a total of 2 minutes before we give up on talking about anything and feel the compulsion to launch some rockets and/or explode over and over again! We were unusually patient and self-disciplined today...we even kept our clothes on...phew!
Bibbe Oh was finally able to join us to wrap up the Q&A session with Upgrade Paris...She left the Club Neptune earlier at a time when we all felt that we were too late for our own talk but then Bibbe heeded a desperate IM from us to rejoin the fray and answer a concluding question about the new European taxation system in Second did not seem to matter though since only one of us in attendence was living in Europe.
Here is the link to the Imaging Beijing project The link above is to the proposal. Incidentally the satellite image is from Digital Earth, not Google. Digital Earth supplies data to google.
(法新社a倫敦二B十WE四日電) 「情色二零零七」情趣產品大產自二十三日起在倫敦的肯辛頓奧林匹亞展覽館舉行,倫敦人擺脫對性的保守態度踴躍參觀成人影片,許多穿皮衣與塑膠緊身衣的好色之徒擠進這項世界規模最大的成人生活展,估計三天展期可吸引八a片下載萬多好奇民眾參觀。
A. 酒店小姐的基本介紹跟工作內容酒店上班需要什麼條件呢?
B. 不敢來酒店上班-酒店打工的原因需要很漂亮或是身材很好嗎?
C. 【酒店小姐】【酒店公關】有彈性一點的時段嗎?能不能上自由班?
"上班地點好遠喔"、"下班時間好晚喔,我都不能出去找朋友 "這些問題嗎?
當然! 我們也看過條件很好、但是不缺錢的小姐上班沒多久就放棄了、因為她沒有壓力、其實不缺這份工作只是心存幻想。
那你呢?妳想解除妳的經濟壓力嗎~?這些話是入行多年的我梁曉尊想告訴剛入行的女孩們的心理話。其實寫這篇文章是要讓姐妹們知道 自己清楚所做的決定 而非一時衝動。
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